Kissing the Stone and unCORKing Wine Bottles
Hi again! Glad to see you back on the Sandymount Hotel blog!
Another week of my time here in Ireland has gone by and with each passing day new experiences are to be had.
If I didn’t have the “Gift of Gab” before, I definitely have it now…15 of us from the program took a trip to Cork, Blarney and Kinsale last weekend! (I was surprised that the bus ride was over 4 hours, luckily Aircoach is pretty comfortable, but taking the train probably would have been a better idea.)
First on the agenda once we got there was to cross an item off the good ole “Bucket List” and kiss the world famous Blarney Stone. Talk about a rock that gets a lot of action…
After wandering around the Blarney Castle grounds for a while (fortunately we get the best luck with weather when we’re traveling), we finally made our way up the narrow, somewhat daunting stone spiral staircase to the top of the castle where stone is located. At first glance the gap between the main part of the castle and stone is unnerving, especially for such a wee little lassie of 5 feet 2 inches as myself. The stone itself is over 100 feet up, but a while ago they added black metal bars underneath and on the sides so you can hold on while you’re thrusting your puckered lips backwards across the ravine. There is also the sweetest (possibly tipsy) older Irish gentleman that supports and holds on to you while you do the deed. I’ve included some pictures of this very bonding moment. I told him “That was my first kiss!” after kissing the stone but for some reason I don’t think he believed my blarney.
If you do get a chance to go to Blarney Castle I definitely recommend not only kissing the stone, but go exploring around the grounds for a while. There is a lot to discover on your own. There’s a really cool waterfall and “wishing steps” if you search further. Also, we didn’t know it was possible to bring a lunch or picnic items into the grounds, but definitely do that too!
After our afternoon in Blarney we headed back to Cork for the night. If you like dessert and sangria, there is a restaurant called “La Mexicana” that has THE best desserts I have ever had. The pub and club scene is nice in Cork, but honestly it just felt like a lot like Dublin. I loved the people of Cork though, very genuine and kind. They are also completely serious when they say they believe that Cork is the real capital of Ireland.
The next day (Saturday) started off rainy as we headed to Kinsale (a really awesome boat town about 30 minutes away from Cork). We shopped around and did some sight-seeing before our planned boat tour at 2pm. Kinsale Harbour Cruises had such a nice staff and with a full bar on the boat, wine was the perfect touch as we sailed around. They also provide cozy blankets for those on the top deck. Be careful while sailing and drinking red wine though…one of my friend’s sweaters will never be the same again.
We experienced more of Cork nightlife on Saturday night, and then headed back to prepare for the work week on Sunday! It had been a jam packed weekend trip.
Well as things are starting to pick up at the hotel, it’s time to run! My friends and I leave for London TONIGHT! We are all pretty pumped; I have wanted to go to London since I was a little girl. So after work, gotta run home and pack then we head to the airport!
To all the guests I phoned who are staying here this weekend for the Neil Diamond concert, I know you will have a BLAST! Remember we’re having pig-on-a-spit offered in our front grounds and the special Pre-Concert BBQ in our private gardens starting at 4:30pm on Saturday, so bring your appetite! You’ll need that energy for all that “Sweeeet Caroline Da-da-DAA” you’ll be singing!
Have a lovely weekend everyone and feel free to go “Like” the Sandymount Hotel Facebook page! It will help keep you updated on the festivities going on at the hotel.
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